Why Are Brown Eggs More Expensive Than White Eggs? (Explained!)

If you regularly shop for eggs, you may have noticed that brown eggs are usually more expensive than white eggs.

Brown eggs may have a reputation for being healthier or more natural, but that’s not the reason for the price difference.

So, why are brown eggs more expensive than white eggs?  

Brown eggs are more expensive because brown chickens are larger than white chickens.

As a result, they require more space and more food, so they are more costly to raise than white chickens. Therefore, brown eggs are more expensive than white eggs.

Read on to learn more.

why are brown eggs more expensive than white eggs

Are Brown Eggs More Expensive Than White Eggs?

Even when you look at other price factors, like free-range, cage-free, organically raised, and other factors that affect egg prices, a study from Consumer Reports shows that brown eggs cost 10% to 150% more than white eggs.

According to their research, large grade A white eggs start at $2.78 a dozen, while large grade A brown eggs start at $3.19.

Premium premium-free range sustainable brown eggs can go up to $5.49 a dozen.

So while prices in your local market may vary, brown eggs are always more expensive than white eggs.

Why Are White Eggs Cheaper Than Brown Eggs?

White eggs are laid by white hens, while brown eggs are laid by brown hens. The brown chicken breeds are also larger in size.

When chickens are larger, they need more space in a coop or more pasture to roam.

They also require more food to stay healthy and produce high-quality eggs.

Because brown hens are bigger, they are more expensive to raise and keep, which makes every egg they produce more costly to buy.

Are Brown Eggs Higher Quality Than White Eggs?

No, brown eggs are not higher in quality than white eggs. Aside from the shell, brown and white eggs are identical in quality, flavor, and nutrition.

When looking for quality in eggs, look for:

Extremely Fresh Eggs

Freshness is the best way to have delicious, high-quality eggs in many dishes and preparations.

Eggs That Are Heavy For Their Size

Over time, air will seep inside the eggshell, forming an air pocket that makes eggs float in water.

As a result, eggs that feel heavy for their size are higher in moisture, with more egg volume inside the shell, and fresher.

Egg Whites That Are Thick Instead of Runny

Egg whites break down and become looser and watery over time.

Fresh, high-quality eggs have thick and gelatinous whites with a lot of body and structure. 

Are Brown Eggs Healthier Than White Eggs?

As a rule, brown eggs are not healthier than white eggs.

The nutrition of an egg depends on the diet of the chicken, not on the color of the egg. To choose eggs that are healthier, look for:

Shells That Are Hard and Firm

A hard, firm shell indicates that the chicken is being fed sufficient calcium.

Conversely, chickens fed a poor diet, or older chickens lay eggs with thin, brittle shells.

A Deep, Golden Yolk Color

In most cases, a deep, golden egg yolk indicates a healthy, balanced diet for a chicken, which makes the eggs more nutritious. And you can even eat it raw.

Carotenoids (usually beta-carotene) are red/golden colors that impart deeper color to egg yolks and make them healthier to eat.

Egg yolks that are pale and yellow are often an indicator that the chicken has been fed a less nutritious diet, so the eggs are less healthy.

However, some egg producers will feed chickens marigold petals and other pigmented foods to produce a deeper yolk color.

Do Brown Eggs Last Longer Than White Eggs?

No, brown eggs do not last longer than white eggs.

If brown and white eggs are laid on the same day and stored the same way, they will last the same amount of time.

If you want eggs last longer, consider these methods:

Freezing Them

Freezing eggs preserves them for up to a year.

To freeze eggs, remove them from the shell and beat them slightly. Then, pour the liquid into a muffin tin, portioning out single servings of scrambled eggs.

Freeze the muffin tin, remove the frozen eggs and place them in an airtight container for long-term storage. You can also separate the eggs from the whites and freeze each separately.

Eggs should not be frozen in the shell.

Coating Eggs With Mineral Oil

You can preserve eggs for months in the refrigerator by coating them with mineral oil.

Simply choose a high-quality, food-grade mineral oil and warm it slightly. Then, coat each egg in mineral oil and put it back in the carton, pointy side down.

Flip the carton upside down every month so the eggs are rotated.

Hard Boiling Eggs

Hard-boiled eggs are easier to store and last longer than fresh eggs. This is a great way to use old eggs and make them last longer.

Older eggs are better for hard-boiling because the internal membrane slightly dries and retracts over time, making the eggs easier to peel after boiling.

Hard-boiled eggs will last for about 7 days in the refrigerator but should not be frozen.

Brown Eggs vs White Eggs

In Summary

Brown eggs are more expensive than white eggs because brown hens are bigger than white hens and cost more to feed.

Other than that, brown eggs and white eggs are identical, and differences between them are related to the chicken’s diet, health, and lifestyle, rather than the color of the egg.

So if you are looking to save money, choosing white eggs instead of brown is the easiest way to go.

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